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WELCOME BACK! Please check out 2025 KCS Calendarand mark for the upcoming important dates and events: 

(***We accept E-check payment with the processing fee of 1.59% which will be highly recommended. We also accept Credit card payment which takes 3.59% + $0.59 processing fee per transaction)

KCS is happy to re-launch immersive Chinese preschool for 2-4 year-old toddlers starting 2025-2026 school year. The first day of school is August 7th, 2025, last day of school will be on December 19th. Please click Toddlers for more details and registration.

2025  Spring Semesterstarts on January 4th & 5th and ends on May 10th & 11th, 2025. KCS Graduation will be held on May 17th, 2025.

Sign up for 2025 YCT/HSK standardized test by April 1st. see flyer below for more info.

2025Spring Camp(3/31~4/4/25) is open to sign up, see flyer below for more info.

KCS  Summer Camp (6/2~6/6/25 & 6/9~6/13/25) is open to sign up. Please use the code "summer1" to receive $30 off at chekout for early bird registration per child  for full week, use the code "summer2" to receive $60 off per child at chekout for both weeks untill March 30th, Sunday. See flyer below for more details.

Please join us for 2025 KCS Sponsorship We appreciate your great support to our school and community. See flyer below for more information to get involved in!

We look forward to seeing a great year of SNAKE! 🐍 Please feel free to mailto:KCSCHINESE01@GMAIL.COM  should you have any furthur questions! Thank you!

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Goal: $500.00
Collected: $0.00

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Address: 12305 Westport Rd Ste 202 Louisville, KY 40245


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